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Showing posts from February, 2018

Fun Cooking in My School

One day, on 16-Aug-2016. Im go to school at 06:15 am. I move quick to get in on my class and put my bag on my chairs. After bell ringing, i enters the line with other friends. Then we pray together, we're led by a disciple, we pray to be given salvation, and to get a lot of knowledge. After that, on 07:15 am we get ready for tahfidz in halaqah respectively. then, we start tahfidz by reading al- fatihah together. After tahfidz we enter the break for half an hour, on 09:00 to 09:30 am. After a half we break, we take the equipment each and assemble according to the group that has been specified. Then, Ms.Tati accepts specified groups. Then we start the cooking time. When finished, we all tidied up each item. When finished, we pray dzuhur in each class. And we are welcome to go home. -----THE END-----

Saat Aku Masuk Kelas Satu

Lima tahun yang lalu, aku berangakat ke sekolah SDIT El-Fawaz yang ke pertama kalinya. Aku, kesana sambil memakai baju olahraga TK-ku. Saat aku masuk kelas, aku melihat semua memakai seragam. Karena aku malu, akirnya aku duduk di bangku sambil memeluk kaki-ku yang ku angkat ke atas bangku. Tiba2 Umi datang membawa plastik yang berisi seragam, aku langsung ganti baju, dan masuk ke kelas lagi. Jadi, sebenarnya aku di SDIT El-Fawaz sudah dari kelas satu lho!😜😜😜 HEHEHE.